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在使用本網站時,小型文字檔案(「Cookies」 - 即儲存於個別電腦內而載有可以由本網站重取資料之資料檔),將被收集並純粹作本網站內部瀏覽及/或程式製作之用。小型文字檔案的使用為大多數網站之標準營運程式。然而,如用戶希望的話,可以透過重設互聯網瀏覽器以解除小型文字檔案的使用。除非明確列明,否則本公司將不會從小型文字檔案或其他方面搜集任何可認定本網站使用者身份之個人資料。
2.  如客戶未能提供該等個人資料,則經紀將無法代客戶開設或維持賬戶,或開設或維持貸款融資,或提供證券經紀、期貨交易、財富管理、財務策劃、股票託管、投資諮詢及/或其他相關服務。
3.  所有資料均以維持正常業務聯繫的需要而向客戶收集。
4.  就個人資料的收集,本公司可收集、使用及轉移客戶個人資料作任何或所有下列用途︰

4.1 處理客戶的賬戶申請,為客戶提供日常運作服務和貸款融資服務;
4.2 進行信貸檢查;
4.3 協助其他財務機構進行信貸檢查;
4.4 根據客戶的需要設計有關的金融服務或相關產品,包括財富管理、財務策劃、保險和強積金(如適用);
4.5 促進支付安排或指示;
4.6 確保任何客戶或擔保人維持可靠信用;
4.7 維持任何客戶或擔保人的信用記錄以作為現在或將來參考之用; 
4.8 處理客戶的申請檢查程式和相關的索賠;
4.9 確認在申請金融產品及/或服務、保險及/或強積金產品(如適用) 服務的資格;
4.10 彙編統計數據和研究分析,而本公司可根據相關適用的法律把資料用於改善服務  ;
4.11 為客戶提供本公司內其他成員或任何其他金融機構合作夥伴(統稱為「相關人士」)有關的金融服務、保險或相關理財產品及/或強積金相關產品(如適用) 的市場資訊;
4.12 與本公司客戶或本公司的潛在客戶溝通;
4.13 作為有關政策複閱及需求分析及/或強積金適合性評估(如適用);
4.14 與客戶及/或參與僱主在有關的財務策劃及/或強積金(如適用) 有關的用途作核對之用;決定欠付客戶或客戶欠付的債務款額;
4.15 向客戶或為客戶責任提供擔保的人士收回虧欠的款項;
4.16 根據對本公司具約束力的法律、規定、規則或守則的要求作出披露;
4.17 尋求或取得行政、電訊、電腦、付款、債務追討或證券結算、託管、審計、銀行、融資、保險、業務諮詢、外判服務或其他予本公司的與其業務經營相關的服務;
4.18 所有香港法律、規則及法規許可的任何目的;
4.19 當收集客戶個人資料時所述任何其他用途;以及
4.20 其它附帶或相關的用途。


4.21 根據相關適用的法律及條款,可用於有關本公司及相關人士所提供之金融服務及/或產品,保險及/或強積金產品(如適用)的直接促銷推廣活動 ;
4.22 若客戶同意(包括表示不反對)本公司成員及/或本公司以外的公司使用客戶開戶申請書(或其他相關的登記表格及問卷如適用) 中的個人資料以作直接促銷用途,以推廣下列服務、產品、商品、及設施:

4.22.1 金融服務;
4.22.2 相關投資產品;
4.22.3 金融與投資建議;
4.22.4 客戶關係管理服務;
4.22.5 客戶信用的保護和維護服務;及/或
4.22.6 除非客戶對本公司另有指示,任何本公司或其成員公司可根據本聲明第4.4段發展其他相關的服務或產品,及尋求或取得該等服務或產品。


5. 本公司持有的客戶資料將會保密,本集團僅會於法律允許範圍下向下列香港以內或以外人士提供客戶資料︰

5.1 向本公司提供與業務活動有關的管理、電訊、電腦、款項或證券結算、印刷或其它服務的任何代理人、合約商或者協力廠商服務提供者;
5.2 本公司內的任何其它公司;
5.3 遵守本公司保密原則的任何其他人,包括已承諾將上述資料保密的本公司之集團成員;
5.4 客戶與之有業務往來或即將有業務往來的任何金融機構;
5.5 本公司的任何實際或建議承讓人,或者與客戶相關的本集團權益參與人或次參與人或轉讓人;
5.6 任何與本公司的業務有之金融機構或提供其他服務之供應商;
5.7 作為擔保人或擬作為擔保人的任何人士;
5.8 任何保險索賠調查員;
5.9 協力廠商管理機構;
5.10 專業顧問;
5.11 根據相關適用的法律的要求下,任何本公司有責任向其披露的人士或聯屬公司或業務合作夥伴;
5.12 在收集客戶的個人資料時已通知客戶的任何人士 ;
5.13 符合法例或任何監管規則的任何人士 (包括通過法院、仲裁庭、金融糾紛調解中心有限公司的任何判決、決定或裁決)、政府、監管或其他團體或機構,不論是根據法律或監管規則適用於任何集團成員的規例或其他規定之要求或其他情況,或者發出《證券及期貨條例》第329條所指通知的任何公司;
5.14  根據對本公司具約束力的法律要求必須向其作出披露的任何其他人士;
5.15  經客戶同意的任何人士;及
5.16 本公司因本身利益需要而必須對其作出披露的任何人士。

6.  在履行本身的業務活動過程中,本公司可能在法律允許的範圍內,把客戶所提供的或本公司其後為此目的或其它目的所獲得的客戶個人資料與香港及海外的政府機構、其它監管機構、公司、組織或個人所持的資料進行校對、比較、轉移或交換,以便確認該等資料的可靠性。
7.  在符合私隱條例之條款的情況下及按照條例的條款,任何人士︰

7.1 有權查詢本公司是否持有他/她的資料並有權取得該等資料;

7.2 有權要求本公司更改有關他/她的不正確資料;及

7.3 有權查詢本公司擁有該些資料的政策和應用範圍,並可瞭解本公司所持有的個人資料的種類。

8.  在符合私隱條例之條款的情況下,本公司有權對資料查詢人士收取合理的費用。然而本公司會因適用法例及規例而可能或被要求拒絕處理該資料查詢的要求。
9.  若客戶不希望收到任何金融服務或產品的宣傳資料,可書面通知本公司要求停止使用該等資料作該等用途,而無須支付任何費用。
10.  任何人士如欲查詢資料或更正資料或查詢有關政策和應用範圍以及個人資料的種類等資料,請隨時致函︰

香港灣仔駱克道41號東城大廈1004室  晉商證券有限公司 收。

Privacy Policy & Personal Information Collection Statement

1.  Welcome to the website of JS Securities Limited. ("the Company"). Our policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of Personal Data as set out in this Privacy Policy & Personal Information Collection Statement is in accordance with the Hong Kong SAR Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). We adhere to the Company's policy on privacy to protect your information on the Internet in the same way that we protect it in all other ways we interact with you in branches and on the phone.
Cookies, which are small pieces of information stored on a person's computer containing information that can be retrieved by this website, will be gathered during the use of this website solely for the purpose of internal navigation and/or programming. The use of cookies is part of standard operating procedure for most websites. Users may, however, disable the use of cookies if they wish by resetting their internet browser. The Company will not collect any personal data that identifies a visitor to this website from cookies or other sources, unless specified otherwise.
From time to time, it is necessary for clients to supply JS securities Limited (all referred as the “licensed companies”) (as the case may be) with personal data in connection with the opening or continuation of accounts and the establishment or continuation of credit facilities or provision of securities brokerage, futures trading, wealth management, financial planning, nominee, investment advisory and/or other relevant services. The licensed companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of the company, together with the affiliated companies or subsidiaries (if any), are collectively referred as the “JSS”.  At the same time, some of the data are collected pursuant to laws, regulations, rules or codes binding on JSS. This may include but will not be limited to information obtained in relation to client’s identity (name, date of birth, passport/identity card number, address(es), marital status, education level and employment information), as well as information collected for the purposes of ascertaining client’s financial profile, risk appetite, income (including sources of income) and net worth.  This Statement is made under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”) to let clients know why personal data are to be collected, how the data are to be used, and to whom data access requests are to be addressed.
2.  Failure to supply such personal data may result in JSS being unable to open or continue accounts or establish or continue credit facilities or provide securities brokerage, futures trading, wealth management, financial planning, nominee, investment advisory and/or other relevant services.
3.  It is also the case that the data are collected from clients in the ordinary course of the continuation of the business relationship.
Collection and Use of Personal Data
4.  JSS collect, use and transfer personal information for any or all of the following purposes:

4.1  Processing account application, providing daily operation of services and credit facilities to clients;
4.2  conducting credit checks;
4.3  assisting other financial institutions to conduct credit checks;
4.4  designing financial services or related products for clients’ use, including wealth management, financial planning, insurance and/or Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) (if applicable);
4.5  facilitating payment arrangements or instructions; 
4.6  ensuring the ongoing creditworthiness of client or any surety;
4.7  maintaining credit history of any surety or client for present and future reference;
4.8  handling of any checking procedure related to client’s application and related claims;
4.9  verifying client’s eligibility to apply for financial services or related products, insurance and/or MPF related products (if applicable);
4.10  compilation of statistics and research analysis, and improve the provision of services by JSS, subject to applicable laws;
4.11  providing the client with marketing materials relating to financial services or related products, insurance and/or MPF related products (if applicable) concerning JSS and any other entities within the JSS or partnering financial institutions (collectively referred as “Related Parties”);
4.12  communication with customers, prospective customers of the JSS;
4.13  performing policy review and needs analysis and/or MPF suitability assessment (if applicable);
4.14  matching with other personal data concerning the client and/or the relevant participating employers and/or members for financial planning and/or MPF (if applicable) related purposes; determining the amount of indebtedness owed to or by clients;
4.15  collection of the amount outstanding from clients and those providing security for clients’ obligation;
4.16  meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirements of any laws, regulations, rules, codes binding on the JSS; 
4.17  seeking or obtaining administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, debt collection or securities clearing, custodian, audit, banking, financing, insurance, business consulting, outsourcing, or other services to JSS in connection with the operation of its business;
4.18  any purpose permitted by all laws, rules and regulations in Hong Kong;
4.19  any other purposes as notified to the client at the time of collection; and
4.20  any other lawful purposes ancillary or relating thereto.

Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing

4.21  conducting direct marketing activities of financial services or related products, insurance and/or MPF products (if applicable) relating to the JSS and Related Parties, subject to applicable laws and the terms and conditions of client agreement;
4.22  if the client has consented (including an indication of no objection) to the use of the client’s personal data for direct marketing purposes by members of the JSS and/or entities outside the JSS in the client account application (or other relevant registration forms and questionnaires if applicable), marketing the following services, products, goods and facilities:

4.22.1  Financial services;
4.22.2  Related investment products;
4.22.3  Financial and investment advice; 
4.22.4  Client relationship management services;
4.22.5  Client credit protection and maintenance services; and/or 
4.22.6  Any other related goods, products or services that JSS or a member of the JSS may develop under paragraph 4.4 of this Statement, unless client instructs JSS otherwise, and seeking or obtaining the same.

Transfer of Personal Data
5.  Data held by LFF Group relating to a client will be kept confidential but JSS may provide such information to the following parties within or outside Hong Kong to the extent permitted by law:

5.1  any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or securities clearing, printing or other services to JSS in connection with the operation of its business;
5.2  any other companies within JSS;
5.3  any other person under a duty of confidentiality to JSS including a member of JSS which has undertaken to keep such information confidential;
5.4  any financial institution with which the client has or proposes to have dealings;
5.5  any actual or proposed assignee of the JSS or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the JSS’s rights in respect of the client;
5.6  any financial institution or other service providers rendering services to JSS in connection with the operation of JSS businesses;
5.7  any person acting or proposing to act as surety;
5.8  any insurance claim investigators;
5.9  third party administrators;
5.10  professional advisors;
5.11  any persons and corporate entities to whom JSS is obliged to disclose under the requirement of any law relating to JSS or its affiliates or business partners;
5.12  any other parties as notified to the client at the time of collection;
5.13  any person in accordance with the Laws including through or pursuant to any rules, judgment, decision or ruling of the courts, arbitral tribunals, Financial Dispute Resolution Centre Limited, governmental, regulatory or other bodies or institutions, whether as required by the Laws that are applicable to any member of the JSS, or otherwise, or any company issuing a notice under section 329 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance;
5.14  any other person when we are compelled to make disclosure under the requirements of any laws binding on the JSS; 
5.15  any person with the client’s consent;  and
5.16  any person in the event that JSS’s interests require disclosure.

6.   In the course of performing our duties, the JSS may, as permitted by law, match, compare, transfer or exchange any personal data provided by the client, or hereafter obtained, for these or any other purposes by the JSS, with data held by government bodies, other regulatory authorities, corporations, organizations or individuals in Hong Kong or overseas for the purpose of verifying those data.
7.  Under and in accordance with the terms of the PDPO, any individual:

7.1  has the right to check whether JSS holds data about him/her and the right of access to such data;
7.2  has the right to require JSS to correct any data relating to him/her which is inaccurate; and
7.3  has the right to ascertain JSS policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by JSS.

8.   In accordance with the terms of the PDPO, JSS has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.  However, JSS may or is required to refuse to process such data access request under the applicable law and regulations. 
9.   If any client who does not wish to receive any promotional materials for financial services or products, please write to us requesting, without charge, for ceasing to use the data for such purpose.
10.  The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of personal data held are to be addressed is:  The Data Protection Officer, The company, Room 1004, 10/F., East Town Building, 41 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

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